Elementary and Middle School Students
When you think of "health care careers", what types of jobs come to mind? Think about the last time you were at the doctor's office - who were the people there working? What did they wear? What tools or objects did they hold in their hands?
If you are in elementary or middle school, this is a good time to start learning about different health careers. It is also a good time to start thinking about what you like to do.
What are your passions, skills, and talents?
How do you think those passions, skills, and talents could be helpful in a health care career?
Exploring what school subjects and activities interest you is important because it may help you make better decisions when it comes to choosing a career path in the health field. To get started with your health career exploration, check out the many resources on this website to learn more. You may also want to search for health career pathway programs that match your interests and passions - begin your search by clicking on "Explore pathway programs" below.
Resources Heading link
ExploreHealthCareers.org – This interactive website is a collaboration between today’s health professionals and leading health care associations designed to help young persons explore possible careers in health. The site includes health career information and tools to guide preparation for a future career in health care.
HealthCareerPathways.com – The field of health care has a very large number of careers to choose from. This site helps you explore these possibilities by providing information about five different types of health careers, such as direct patient care, imaging and diagnosis, and research and development. As you learn more about these possibilities, you will find detailed profiles for specific types of careers (e.g., physician, dentist, nurse) with additional career resources designed to answer questions such as, “where do I begin, what type of education or experience do I need to become a….?”